The mountains are calling and I must go. Only if you have been in the deepest valley, can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain.
Top of the World Highway The Top of the World Highway is a 127-kilometre long highway, beginning at a junction with the Taylor Highway near Jack Wade, Alaska traveling east to its terminus at the ferry terminal in West Dawson, Yukon, on the western banks of the Yukon River. The highway has been in existence [...]
The sky is the daily bread of the eyes.Ralph Waldo Emerson When the sun is near the horizon, sunlight travels through a greater depth of atmosphere, reducing the intensity of the direct light, so that more of the illumination comes from indirect light from the sky (Thomas 1973, 9–13), reducing the lighting ratio. More blue [...]
Beautiful Things - Hill Town A hill town is any citadel town built upon hills to make invasion difficult. Often protected by defensive walls, steep embankments, or cliffs, such hilltop settlements provided natural defenses for their inhabitants. In Europe, especially in Italy, Spain, Portugal and southern France, such towns were common. The Spanish even brought [...]